Marcus Burleson
United States Marines
Hero 2014

Staff Sergeant Burleson was born on Jan 1, 1981. He enlisted after attending Odessa College for two years and completed basic training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, CA in June of 2002. Attended Marine Combat Training at School of Infantry, Camp Pendleton, CA, then attended Supply School at Camp Johnson, NC and graduated a 3043 on September 13 of 2002.
Received orders to HQ 3 rd Marines, MCB Hawaii and served as the Supply Admin Chief until Dec 2005. Received Orders to HQ MAG 13, MCAS Yuma, AZ in Dec of 2005, and served as the unit Supply Chief until Oct 2008.
Completed one tour of duty in Iraq as a squad leader for Marine Wing Security Battalion 372, while stationed with MAG 13. Screened for lateral move into EOD field and attended Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal School at Eglin AFB, Florida in March 2009.
Graduated EOD School in October 2009 and received orders to MCB Hawaii. Supported the Secret Service for the Presidents Hawaiian vacation in DEC 2010. Deployed to Papua New Guinea in support of JPAC from Aug to Sept 2010. Received orders to 2nd EOD Company, Camp Lajuene North Carolina. Deployed to Afghanistan as a team leader, with 2nd Platoon, from October 2011 until December 2011 where he was injured while attempting to render an IED safe.
His personal awards include Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, (3) Good Conduct Medals, National Defense Medal, Iraqi Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, (1) Sea Service Deployment ribbon, 2 Navy Unit Citation, NATO ISAF Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Purple heart, Combat Action Ribbon.